Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm angry. Wouldn't you be, too?

So, I went to see the social worker at Wildwood Programs to fill her in on what has been going on.  Trust me, a ton has been happening.  She says to me "Eileen, you seem so angry"  DUH!  These chicks are pissing me off at St. Margaret's Center.  It almost seems as if they take great joy in throwing obstacles in our way.  What benefit would they have to keeping Becca in the facility, besides keeping the population up to justify their staff?  They have made medication errors, and on 3 occasions recently, have either delayed medical treatment to her, or caused a reason for more advanced medical treatment.  So, yah I'm pissed.  I'm spitting tacks mad.  I want to flip out on them.  I won't.  For now.  Once I get my girl home, LOOK OUT bitches!